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主 讲 人: 魏丽军 广东工业大学机电工程学院教授

主 持 人: 李锋 华中科技大学管理学院副教授

活动时间: 2020年11月7日 18:30 - 21:30






魏丽军,广东工业大学机电工程学院教授。分别于2005年与2008年在厦门大学计算机系获得学士与硕士学位,2013年在香港城市大学管理科学系获得博士学位。主要研究方向为智能制造系统建模与优化、智能优化算法,研究问题包括装箱配载、排样下料、车辆路径优化和调度排产。累计发表SCI论文30余篇,包括INFORMS Journal on Computing (2篇),European Journal of Operational Research (11篇),Transportation Research Part B(1篇),主持国家重点研发计划课题1项、国家自科2项,企业横向课题10余项。











  • 2018/03 – 至今   


  • 2016/04 – 2017/04  


  • 2015/12 – 2018/03  


  • 2013/11 – 2015/11  


  • 2013/09 – 2013/10  


  • 2010/06 – 2010/08  




  • 2010/09 – 2013/08  


  • 2005/09 – 2008/07  


  • 2001/09 – 2005/07  




  • 智能制造系统建模与优化、智能优化算法、装箱与排样优化算法、物流优化、排产优化


[1] Lijun Wei, Zhixing Luo, Roberto Baldacci, and Andrew Lim, A new branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for one-dimensional bin-packing problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 2020.

[2] Lijun Wei, Minhui Lai, Andrew Lim, and Qian Hu. A branch-and-price algorithm for the two-dimensional vector packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020.

[3] Lijun Wei, Yongsheng Wang, Huibing Cheng, and Jian Huang. An open space based heuristic for the 2D strip packing problem with unloading constraints. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2019. (SCI一区)

[4] Lijun Wei, Qian Hu, Andrew Lim, and Qiang Liu. A best-fit branch-and-bound heuristic for the unconstrained two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018.

[5] Lijun Wei, Wenbin Zhu, Andrew Lim, Qiang Liu, and Xin Chen. An adaptive selection approach for the 2D rectangle packing area minimization problem. Omega, The International Journal of Management Science. 2018.

[6] Lijun Wei, Zhenzhen Zhang, Defu Zhang, and Stephen CH Leung. A simulated annealing algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018.

[7] Lijun Wei*, Qian Hu, Stephen CH Leung, and Ning Zhang. An improved skyline based heuristic for the 2D strip packing problem and its efficient implementation. Computers & Operations Research.2017.

[8] Lijun Wei, Hu Qin*, Brenda Cheang and Xianhao Xu, An efficient intelligent search algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem. International Transactions in Operational Research. 2016.

[9] Zhenzhen Zhang, Lijun Wei*,and Andrew Lim, An evolutionary local search for the capacitated vehicle routing problem minimizing fuel consumption under three-dimensional loading constraints. Transportation Research Part B. 2015.

[10] Lijun Wei, Qin Hu, Wenbin Zhu and Long Wan, A study of perturbation operators for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with LIFO or FIFO Loading. Journal of Heuristics. 2015.

[11] Lijun Wei, Zhenzhen Zhang, Defu Zhang and Andrew Lim, A variable neighborhood search for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints. European Journal of Operational Research. 2015.

[12] Lijun Wei*, and Andrew Lim, A bidirectional building approach for the 2D constrained guillotine knapsack packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2015.

[13] Lijun Wei, Wenbin Zhu, and Andrew Lim, A goal-driven prototype column generation strategy for the multiple container loading cost minimization problem. European Journal of Operational Research.  2015.

[14] Lijun Wei, Zhenzhen Zhang, and Andrew Lim, An adaptive variable neighborhood search for a heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. 2014.

[15] Lijun Wei, Tian Tian, Wenbin Zhu, and Andrew Lim, A block-based layer building approach for the 2D guillotine strip packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2014.

[16] Defu Zhang, Lijun Wei*, Stephen C. H. Leung, and Qingshan Chen, A binary search heuristic algorithm based on randomized local search for the strip packing problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 2013.

[17] Lijun Wei, Wee-Chong Oon, Wenbin Zhu, Andrew Lim, A goal-driven approach to the 2D bin packing and variable-sized bin packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 2013.

[18] Lijun Wei, Wee-Chong Oon, Wenbin Zhu, and Andrew Lim, A reference length approach for the 3D strip packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 2012.

[19] Lijun Wei, Wee-Chong Oon, Wenbin Zhu*, and Andrew Lim, A skyline heuristic for the 2D rectangular packing and strip packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 2011.

[20] Lijun Wei, Defu Zhang, and Qingshan Chen, A least wasted first heuristic algorithm for the rectangular packing problem. Computers & Operations Research. 2009.



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  •  国家自科面上基金,考虑装箱约束的两级电动汽车路径问题研究,2019-2022,项目负责人

  •  国家自科青年基金,基于耗油量的带装箱约束多类型车辆调度问题研究,2015-2017, 项目负责人

  •  江西省教育厅青年基金,考虑装卸约束的二维装箱问题研究,2017-2018, 项目负责人

  •  江西省自科青年基金,考虑实际约束条件的多类型车辆装箱问题研究,2015-2017, 项目负责人



  • Outstanding MS Research Student Scholarships 2011,2012,香港城市大学

  • Research Tuition Scholarships for Research Degree Students 2012,2013,香港城市大学

  • The best performance for the PhD Comprehensive Exam, 2011,香港城市大学

  • 第30届ACM 国际大学生程序设计竞赛北京赛区银奖(总第9名), 2005